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VA ODP Day 8 and 9: Au Revior
"Traveling - It leaves you speechless, then you turn into a story teller." Ibn Battuta By now, those who have represented Virginia Youth Soccer Association, clubs in VA/DC, their soccer coaches and their families, have shared a laugh or three about their adventures. Our last 2 days in France was at a slower pace with some sight seeing, goodbyes and what now seems like a short trip across the Atlantic. Best wishes to our hosts, a shout out to Sam, Yassen and Pierre. Our girl's squads spent Day 8 in downtown Bordeaux exploring the history, the shops and of course... a quest for macarons. The boys went to one of our host restaurants to partake in the local food (the girls did this upon arrival in Bordeaux a few days back.) Then, all 4 teams hopped onto their buses for the 7 hour ride back to Paris. Being on the girl's bus, no one escaped ODP Idol. Even coaches and administrators had to partake! The fear of being "up-front" was eventually overtaken by the s...
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